Welcome to Your New ViMbAdmin Installation!
This set-up procedure will guide you the final steps to put your system live.
{if not $saltSet}Step 1: Security Salts
Security salts are used to ensure your passwords are
secure, you are authorised to complete the install procedure and for cookie security.
To proceed, please set the following randomly generated salts
at the top of the [user]
section of the following file:
securitysalt = "{$randomSalt|htmlentities}" resources.auth.oss.rememberme.salt = "{$rememberSalt|htmlentities}" defaults.mailbox.password_salt = "{$passwordSalt|htmlentities}"
Please also ensure you have set all the appropriate values
in the [user]
section before continuing.
Step 1: Security Salt - Done!
Step 2: Create a New Administrator
You now need to create a super administrator who can log into the system.
To ensure only the person installing this application can register the user, you must enter the security salt as you entered it into the file above. If you chose to use the random string then it has been copied below for your convenience.
Enter a username (which must be your email address) and a password. You will be
emailed you a copy of this password to the email address provided you have set
your mail settings in application.ini
Developer Pingback
Please note that when you successfully complete the above step, the system makes a pingback to stats.opensolutions.ie to notify the developers that there is a new install.
We are only interested in counting the install base to know if further development and support of this open source project is worthwhile. In fact, ViMbAdmin V3 was only released as a result of these statistics.
{if isset( $options.skipInstallPingback ) and $options.skipInstallPingback}
You have DISABLED the pingback. Please reconsider or drop us a
mail to let us know you are using it and what you think!
You can disable this by setting skipInstallPingback = 1
in your