Dear {$mailbox->getName()}, {if $welcome} Welcome to your new email account. {/if} Your email address is: {$mailbox->getUsername()} {if $welcome} Your password is: {$password} {/if} Access to your mail can be configured using the settings below. If you want to change your password, you may do so at: {genUrl controller='auth' action='change-password'} For assistance, please contact: {$} <{$}> {if $settings.webmail.enabled} Webmail Access ==================== We have a web based email client so that you can access your email from anywhere with Internet access. Just browse to: Website: {$} Username: {$settings.webmail.user} Log in with the password above. {/if} {if $settings.smtp.enabled} Sending Email / SMTP Access ============================== To send email from your mail client such as Outlook or Thunderbird, please configure it with the following settings: SMTP Server: {$} SMTP Port: {$settings.smtp.port} SSL/TLS: {$settings.smtp.crypt} Username: {$settings.smtp.user} Log in with the password above. {/if} {if $settings.imap.enabled} Receiving Email via IMAP ============================== To receive email from your mail client such as Outlook or Thunderbird using IMAP, please configure it with the following settings: IMAP Server: {$} IMAP Port: {$settings.imap.port} SSL/TLS: {$settings.imap.crypt} Username: {$settings.imap.user} Log in with the password above. {/if} {if $settings.pop3.enabled} Receiving Email via POP3 ============================== To receive email from your mail client such as Outlook or Thunderbird using POP3, please configure it with the following settings: POP3 Server: {$} POP3 Port: {$settings.pop3.port} SSL/TLS: {$settings.pop3.crypt} Username: {$settings.pop3.user} Log in with the password above. {/if} {if isset( $vimbadminPlugins ) } {foreach $vimbadminPlugins as $vimbadminPluginName => $vimbadminPluginText} {$vimbadminPluginText} {/foreach} {/if}