{tmplinclude file="header.phtml"}
{OSS_Message} You are about to delete the mailbox {$mailbox->getUsername()}

{if count( $aliases ) > 0 } {foreach $aliases as $alias} {/foreach} {else} {/if}
Address Goto
{$alias->getAddress()} {$alias->getGoto()}
There are no aliases.

{if count( $inAliases ) > 0 } {foreach $inAliases as $alias} {/foreach} {else} {/if}
In aliases
Address Goto
getGoto() ) > 50 } class="have-tooltip-long" title="{$alias->getGoto()|regex_replace:"/[,]/":", "}"{/if}> {$alias->getGoto()|shorten:50}
This mailbox is not used in any alias.

The mailbox and all aliases where this mailbox is the sole recipient will be deleted. This mailbox will be removed from any alias where it is one of two or more destinations.

{if isset( $options.mailbox_deletion_fs_enabled ) and $options.mailbox_deletion_fs_enabled}
{/if} Cancel
{tmplinclude file="footer.phtml"}